You Are The Change You Want To See

Powerful-differenceThe idea that some negative situation – slavery, hunger, violence, abuse, lack of clean water, pollution, political and financial corruption, a swirling mass of plastic trash in the Pacific Ocean – is someone else’s problem is a great lie of ego.  Ego sees itself as separate so ego creates endless rationalizations why so many negative things within the world are‘the responsibility of someone else.

The truth is that legislative efforts to effect change pale in comparison to the collective power of responsible human beings taking countless numbers of individual actions. That means you are I are the answer. It is the mindful, positive daily actions we take that are changing the world for the better.

How to Feel Worthy

Behave-RYS_500x500BThere was a time I felt unworthy. At first I thought my unworthiness came from outside me; how other people judged me or from what I was taught to believe about myself. But the truth is I felt unworthy because I was not behaving in the positive and responsible ways necessary to actually create the life I said I wanted.

When someone was rude to me I was rude back. I exaggerated stories to make myself seem important. I lied, gossiped, procrastinated, placed blame, projected onto others, and was impatient and self-centered. When I bravely chose to stay patient instead of being impatient, kind instead of being rude, and completely honest with myself and others, I woke up to the fact it is not other people who determine my worth. It is me and only me.

Regardless how anyone else chooses to behave or how they judge you, choose to be responsible for your behavior. Create life by doing your best, don’t go to bed angry, forgive, be honest, learn from your mistakes and you will feel worthy.