Sign, Sign Everywhere a Sign

IMG_0420While visiting my parents I went to a local Marshall, Texas restaurant to get mom and dad a favorite sandwich for their anniversary dinner. While waiting for the order I noticed this sign on the counter. Soon my order was ready and I left. Just outside a man asked me if I could spare some change. I’m pretty sure he was homeless. He looked like he could use I meal. So I asked if he wanted something to eat. He said yes.

I took him back inside and told him to order what he wanted. He did and as I turned to leave he thanked me several times. He also asked why I did what I did. I simply told him I’d received a sign.


Following the Golden Rule Unites Us

Treating-Other-People2I am honored to know many people who are Muslim. Each one of them is kind, responsible, honest, and they all abhor violence and terror.  The faces of my friends are what I keep in my heart when acts of terror are committed by those who distort their Islamic religious views to satisfy a negative agenda.  The same thing happened when I lived in Birmingham, AL and a man who identified himself as Christian blew up women’s clinics killing innocent people.  I kept the faces of the kind, responsible, honest and non-violent Christians I knew in my heart then too.

Terrorist acts are not committed by those who are following the fundamental practice espoused by ALL world religions – treat other people as you want to be treated.  That is why those of us who want to create a loving, peaceful and respectful world must stick together no matter our religious affiliations or lack thereof.  Following the Golden Rule in our lives is what makes us united in purpose and belief in the power of LOVE to bring the change we desire.


Angels are Very Real

IMG_10011When my little buddy Austin was born his parents and all who know them were given a gift we did not anticipate. None of the prenatal tests revealed he would have Down syndrome – a genetic disorder caused by the presence of all, or part of a third copy of chromosome 21. Initially, it was easy to go down the road of sadness for how he will be treated, how he will live and thrive, how he will be happy in the world having to deal with physical growth delays and mild to moderate intellectual disability. But it did not take long for sadness to be replaced with deep joy at the gift his parents and all of us receive from knowing their special son.

Austin’s heart is so BIG he comforts those who are sad. He goes up to strangers and gives them a hug. He is always smiling, filled with joy and wonder. He is so connected to the kind, compassionate, loving part of his heart he beams LOVE in all directions. A LOVE so palpable, everyone with whom Austin interacts is touched by his presence and changed for the better. In my book, that makes Austin an angel who was created by LOVE to help teach us how to LOVE one another, with non-judgment, respect and kindness.

Gratitude for Being Grateful

IMG_0211On Monday, February 29, 2016, I woke up almost completely blind in my right eye. Within a few hours I was in my ophthalmologist’s office. He confirmed I had suffered a huge retinal detachment, including the macula where vision is keenest. By noon I was undergoing a procedure to reattach the retina. Within the course of 12 hours I went from being almost blind to being able to see again.

There was a period of healing and blurred, distorted vision. For over a month, in my vision, was a huge air bubble that had been injected into my eye to hold the retina in place while it healed.  Both the injection and bubble were extremely disconcerting. But I got used to it and one day I noticed the bubble was gone.

Three short months later, the doctor released me from his care.

While I’ve always had an appreciation for my sight, I must say after losing vision for several hours, my gratitude deepened substantially. YES, I was blind and now I can see; not only with my eyes, but I SEE the world more clearly with my heart – that grew bigger as a result of growing my gratitude bigger.

Voting is a Spiritual Responsibility

Outstanding NationI consider myself to be a morally guided person. By that I mean I weigh the consequences of my actions before I act. I work hard to stay polite, understanding, kind, patient, calm, and to create win-win situations.  I listen to understand others. I work to communicate clearly. I attempt to see the big picture. I support others as I want to be supported. And I am devoted to living as a person who values being a person of values.

SO, I don’t want to be represented in government by people who do not weigh the consequences of their actions BEFORE they act. I don’t want to be represented by rude, closed, racist, arrogant hypocrites. I don’t want to be represented by people who are devoid of a personal moral, ethical and spiritual code of values.  I don’t want to be represented by anyone whose view of the world is myopic and inaccurate.

I have a spiritual responsibility to elect the best people possible – those who lead with the moral compass of their heart to work for all of us, not just some of us.  True servant leaders are running and they need YOU and ME to make certain they are elected. You and I must change business as usual in Washington.  We must vote for people who care about you and me.